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发布时间:2024-12-30 03:44:02点击量:196
本文摘要:Hacker group targets China黑客的组织将目标对准中国The details of a national-level hacker attack targeting China have been disclosed for the first time in a report by an Internet security firm.某网络安全公司公布报告,首次透露一起针对中国的国家级黑客攻击细节。

Hacker group targets China黑客的组织将目标对准中国The details of a national-level hacker attack targeting China have been disclosed for the first time in a report by an Internet security firm.某网络安全公司公布报告,首次透露一起针对中国的国家级黑客攻击细节。Called OceanLotus, the overseas hacker group has been attacking Chinas maritime organizations, marine construction departments, research institutes and shipping enterprises since April 2012. Their precise and well-organized cyber attack is an advanced persistent threat which is obviously supported by foreign governments.该境外黑客的组织被命名为海莲花(OceanLotus),自2012年4月起,海莲花针对中国政府的海事机构、海域建设部门、科研院所和航运企业,进行了仪器的组织的网络攻击,很显著是一个有国外政府反对的APT(高级持续性威胁)行动。



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